Currently Reading

Currently Reading: The Undivided by Jennifer Fallon

Monday, December 6, 2010

A very lean November... and an obese December

In previous years it has felt like the school year really winds down in the last few months (I'm a high school teacher). Of course that was not to be the case this year. In fact November, the month I had hoped to set aside for a genuine tilt at NaNoWriMo, proved to be the busiest work month of the year. As a result I completely bombed out on the 50,000 word challenge (I wrote 0 useable words, though I felt I did some worthwhile outlining) - if you follow me on Twitter you may have already seen me lamenting that fact. Any time I had I tried to devote to writing rather than reading/reviewing/blogging. I haven't thrown in the towel for this blog after only a month or so.

In five days my wife and I leave for a six week tour of Europe. Over the next few days I will actually put up some content for the blog that reflects its intended purpose, beginning tomorrow with my favourite reads of 2010 and possibly two or three reviews I drafted at random points throughout November. I know my rabid subscriber base is starved for new book-related content.

However, for the six weeks or so after that the majority of any posts I make will be holiday related. Before the end of the week I will probably upload my journal from our trip to Japan in January (as peripheral pages attached to the blog, rather than posts). If that interests you, brilliant!

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